Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort - with guest Greg Montana

In today's episode, Greg found a welcomed work-around to talk about Mama Mary by choosing Saint Louis de Montfort as the topic! This turned into one of my favorite episodes and praise God for it. Saint Louis has enriched our understanding of growing close to the heart of Jesus through Mary by his faithful and heroic virtue in life. His holiness is a direct reflection of his radical surrender to God. A huge thank you to Greg for being such a fantastic guest. Check out EXTRA CONTENT for this episode here:

References for this episode

"God Alone: The Collected Writings of St. Louis Marie de Montfort", 1995, Montfort Publications
"True Devotion to Mary with Preparation for Total Consecration", St. Louis Marie de Montfort, translated by Frederick Faber, TAN Publishing

Reference for bonus material

The Love of Eternal Wisdom”, St. Louis de Montfort

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Instagram:  deadfriendsaints
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Dead Friend, pray for us!

Thank you to:
Catherine Bryant for the music
Jacque Szczepanski for the cover art
MSP Catholic and CEND.


Saint Mary Magdalene - with guest Julia Strukely of Seven Mile Chats


Saint Joan of Arc - with guest Melissa Dee of Saints Alive